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The PO Creativity Method, 9 Techniques for Charisma, & More

Sahil Bloom

Welcome to the 242 new members of the curiosity tribe who have joined us since Wednesday. Join the 57,887 others who are receiving high-signal, curiosity-inducing content every single week.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content,

just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

  • mldsa
  • ,l;cd
  • mkclds

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of"

nested selector


Question to simplify your life:

What is the one decision that can remove one hundred decisions?

In a blog post from 2020, Tim Ferriss referenced something he learned from a podcast conversation with Jim Collins:

"Don’t make a hundred decisions when one will do."

This is a powerful rule for life.

We're surrounded by decisions that scream for our attention day and night. Unfortunately, most of us are very bad at differentiating between the important and the urgent, so we weight every decision equally and drive ourselves crazy in the process.

To reclaim your sanity and improve your life, spend a few minutes identifying one decision that can remove one hundred others.

A few examples from my life:

  • Setting up an auto-order from a meal prep service for healthy, macro-friendly lunches. I no longer have to think about what to eat for lunch on any given day, which frees up my mind to focus on more important things.
  • Sending out our laundry for wash-and-fold each week. This one decision meant my wife and I no longer had to think or talk about laundry, which was a constant issue in a household with a toddler who loves playing outside.
  • Saying no to all agenda-less phone calls. These calls were where my energy went to die. If there isn't a specific action item for a call, I say no to it. This freed up a lot of time on my calendar, that I was able to redeploy into energy-creating, in person meetings.

Take a look at your own calendar and life: What are some single decisions that you can make that will remove hundreds of smaller decisions from your plate?

Quote on the definition of success:

"Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable." - John Wooden

Stop letting the world tell you where you stand. You get to decide.

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Framework for creative problem solving:

The PO Creativity Method

"NO is the basic tool of the logic system. YES is the basic tool of the belief system. PO is the basic tool of the creative system." -Edward de Bono

Edward de Bono was a physician, psychologist, and author most well known as the originator of the concept of Lateral Thinking.

Lateral Thinking is a problem solving technique that involves an indirect, creative approach.

Traditional thinking—which we can refer to as Vertical Thinking—is grounded in logic and restricted by its focus on existing patterns, frameworks, and rules.

The aim of Lateral Thinking is to break free from the confines of Vertical Thinking to formulate more creative, novel solutions to complex problems.

The PO (short for Provocative Operation) Creativity Method is a process for engaging Lateral Thinking by deliberately challenging conventional wisdom or perspectives on a given topic.

The process is quite simple:

  1. Make Provocative Statement: Begin with a provocative statement that appears entirely absurd or contradictory. For example, I might say, "Cars don't need wheels."
  2. Engage the Statement: Fight back against your bias to reject the statement. Engage with it in good faith. How might the statement be true? What would that world look like? Explore the new ideas and possibilities. Using our example, I might start envisioning how a car would move without wheels (perhaps glide or sit on a magnetic field?).
  3. Extract Useful Concepts: From the exploration, pull out any creative ideas or perspectives that can be refined for use. Concluding our example, I might pull out a few futuristic design ideas that enable cars to move in any direction and improve traffic flow.

The PO Creativity Method is an extremely valuable process for startups and large organizations alike. It forces you to engage with new and novel perspectives in an open-minded manner.

It doesn't mean that you will necessarily run with any of the crazy ideas, but it will lead to more outside-the-box thinking that creates healthy progress.

Next time you or your team feel stuck in a pattern of linear, logical, vertical thinking, consider engaging the PO Creativity Method. You won't regret it.

Article on how to be more charismatic:

How to Become More Likable Using 9 Techniques From the World’s Most Charismatic People

This is a wonderful article that deconstructs the charisma techniques of the world's most charismatic people.

A few favorites from the list (with my added perspectives!):

  • They remember the ‘small talk’ details. I find that carrying around a pocket notebook has helped with this. I make a note of any small, interesting details, which helps me remember it for next time.
  • They know how to tell a compelling story. Storytelling is the most important meta-skill for life. Data in, story out. It applies to your personal life and your career.
  • They are comfortable being their awkward, imperfect self. This is a major life hack. Getting past your insecurities and embracing your inner weirdness is the key to charisma.

Great article. Worth your time to scan through!

Daily routine that makes me jealous:

This image of a day in the life of the luxury fashion icon Brunello Cucinelli made the rounds last week.

A few things I love about this day:

  • Work is done in sprints. Two focus blocks dedicated to a specific type of work.
  • Slowness and leisure is built into the routine. Boredom is essential to creativity.
  • Time with friends every single day.

How does this sound to you? What does your ideal day look like?

The PO Creativity Method, 9 Techniques for Charisma, & More

Sahil Bloom

Welcome to the 242 new members of the curiosity tribe who have joined us since Wednesday. Join the 57,887 others who are receiving high-signal, curiosity-inducing content every single week.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content,

just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

  • mldsa
  • ,l;cd
  • mkclds

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of"

nested selector


Question to simplify your life:

What is the one decision that can remove one hundred decisions?

In a blog post from 2020, Tim Ferriss referenced something he learned from a podcast conversation with Jim Collins:

"Don’t make a hundred decisions when one will do."

This is a powerful rule for life.

We're surrounded by decisions that scream for our attention day and night. Unfortunately, most of us are very bad at differentiating between the important and the urgent, so we weight every decision equally and drive ourselves crazy in the process.

To reclaim your sanity and improve your life, spend a few minutes identifying one decision that can remove one hundred others.

A few examples from my life:

  • Setting up an auto-order from a meal prep service for healthy, macro-friendly lunches. I no longer have to think about what to eat for lunch on any given day, which frees up my mind to focus on more important things.
  • Sending out our laundry for wash-and-fold each week. This one decision meant my wife and I no longer had to think or talk about laundry, which was a constant issue in a household with a toddler who loves playing outside.
  • Saying no to all agenda-less phone calls. These calls were where my energy went to die. If there isn't a specific action item for a call, I say no to it. This freed up a lot of time on my calendar, that I was able to redeploy into energy-creating, in person meetings.

Take a look at your own calendar and life: What are some single decisions that you can make that will remove hundreds of smaller decisions from your plate?

Quote on the definition of success:

"Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable." - John Wooden

Stop letting the world tell you where you stand. You get to decide.

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Framework for creative problem solving:

The PO Creativity Method

"NO is the basic tool of the logic system. YES is the basic tool of the belief system. PO is the basic tool of the creative system." -Edward de Bono

Edward de Bono was a physician, psychologist, and author most well known as the originator of the concept of Lateral Thinking.

Lateral Thinking is a problem solving technique that involves an indirect, creative approach.

Traditional thinking—which we can refer to as Vertical Thinking—is grounded in logic and restricted by its focus on existing patterns, frameworks, and rules.

The aim of Lateral Thinking is to break free from the confines of Vertical Thinking to formulate more creative, novel solutions to complex problems.

The PO (short for Provocative Operation) Creativity Method is a process for engaging Lateral Thinking by deliberately challenging conventional wisdom or perspectives on a given topic.

The process is quite simple:

  1. Make Provocative Statement: Begin with a provocative statement that appears entirely absurd or contradictory. For example, I might say, "Cars don't need wheels."
  2. Engage the Statement: Fight back against your bias to reject the statement. Engage with it in good faith. How might the statement be true? What would that world look like? Explore the new ideas and possibilities. Using our example, I might start envisioning how a car would move without wheels (perhaps glide or sit on a magnetic field?).
  3. Extract Useful Concepts: From the exploration, pull out any creative ideas or perspectives that can be refined for use. Concluding our example, I might pull out a few futuristic design ideas that enable cars to move in any direction and improve traffic flow.

The PO Creativity Method is an extremely valuable process for startups and large organizations alike. It forces you to engage with new and novel perspectives in an open-minded manner.

It doesn't mean that you will necessarily run with any of the crazy ideas, but it will lead to more outside-the-box thinking that creates healthy progress.

Next time you or your team feel stuck in a pattern of linear, logical, vertical thinking, consider engaging the PO Creativity Method. You won't regret it.

Article on how to be more charismatic:

How to Become More Likable Using 9 Techniques From the World’s Most Charismatic People

This is a wonderful article that deconstructs the charisma techniques of the world's most charismatic people.

A few favorites from the list (with my added perspectives!):

  • They remember the ‘small talk’ details. I find that carrying around a pocket notebook has helped with this. I make a note of any small, interesting details, which helps me remember it for next time.
  • They know how to tell a compelling story. Storytelling is the most important meta-skill for life. Data in, story out. It applies to your personal life and your career.
  • They are comfortable being their awkward, imperfect self. This is a major life hack. Getting past your insecurities and embracing your inner weirdness is the key to charisma.

Great article. Worth your time to scan through!

Daily routine that makes me jealous:

This image of a day in the life of the luxury fashion icon Brunello Cucinelli made the rounds last week.

A few things I love about this day:

  • Work is done in sprints. Two focus blocks dedicated to a specific type of work.
  • Slowness and leisure is built into the routine. Boredom is essential to creativity.
  • Time with friends every single day.

How does this sound to you? What does your ideal day look like?